Health Benefits of Disc Golf for Men

Is Disc Golf All You Need to be Healthy?

Disc Golf Helps Men Hit Their Weekly Aerobic Needs

Is Disc Golf Healthy Exercise?

    Disc golf is inarguably good for you. The average disc golfer walks between 2-3 miles and burns around 400-500 calories per round, so it is clear you are not being a sloth when you go out and play a round. But is playing disc golf enough alone to maintain a bill of good health? Well according to the CDC and most other authority groups, the answer is yes. 

    According to the CDC, the American adult needs 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity and 2 days of muscle strengthening activity (what a joke!). Disc golf takes care of the 150 minutes of aerobic activity in 27 holes easily.
    However, disc golfers need to take 2 days of muscle strengthening activity into their own hands. This is actually a great thing especially if you are a disc golfer looking to add power and distance to their throws and added stamina in their fast twitch muscles. When you are at the course or at the gym, do some back, core, and upper body free weight work and utilize elastic bands. Even if you only do one cycle of disc golf strength exercises 3-4 days a week, in a month you will have added much power and stamina to your disc golf game.

     If you are a disc golfer and are disciplined enough to do some disc golf strength exercises, you will for sure see many heath benefits from disc golf including:
  • Increased stamina
  • Lower heartrate
  • Vitamin D
  • Stronger Core
  • Stronger Back
  • Stronger Neck
  • Stronger Arm(s)
Please remember to stretch and not overdo yourself out there, because if you are injured it is impossible to workout! Good luck getting heathy disc golfers.